Machol Shalem Dance House (MASH) is an innovative Jerusalem center and a leader in the field of performance arts and technology that operates at the same time on a community and social plane. MASH brings to light the hidden treasures of the city of Jerusalem and exhibits the unique Jerusalemite, Israeli, multicultural, and diverse, multidisciplinary cultural scene that has roots in Israel and the world.
The center develops projects in the realms of dance, performance arts, video, and in the area of innovation and imaginative invention in the city of Jerusalem for communities and centers in Israel and across the world. In collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Machol Shalem advances projects that present the capital as a cultural, international, and professional space.
MASH serves dozens of artists from the general public, religious, and Charedi communities, as well as thousands of culture seekers throughout the city.
Aside from project production, MASH also hosts artist meetings, public events, about 90 dance shows and performances throughout the year, and puts on its annual anchor event - Jerusalem International Dance Week. The week includes a festival of original creations, an international exposure event that exhibits chosen Israeli creations to dozens of prominent dance managers from all over the world, and an international choreography competition - the only one in Israel. In addition to its local work, the center promotes artistic collaborations and working relationships with fellow creative houses and stage organizations around the world.
The VR studio is not only for viewing dance performances, but also for creating them. MASH commissions independent artists to produce pieces designed for VR and challenges them to rethink the conventional rules of composition for frontal viewing.
Generally, dance pieces have a very short lifespan - they are performed in one place at one time. MASH’s VR studio changes the way we experience dance performances and gives eternal life to the works we love. The growing repertoire of dances being saved in this way will create an extensive archive of pieces to experience and enjoy for years to come.
The center operates in HaParsa - Center for the Performing Arts, in Talpiot, Jerusalem.
The Association is recognized and supported by the Cultural Director, Jerusalem Municipality, the Jerusalem Foundation, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Lottery Council, the Nathan Cummings Foundation, Steve Rosenberg, Dr. Ellen Lippman, and various other foundations for designated projects.