Pablo Girolami
Italy | Spain
Ugate Sooraj - Jota Karloza
Hey Furtila (hey Perky) - Miss Clo
Company : IVONA
Choreographer : Pablo Girolami
Dancers : Lou Thabart and Guilherme.
Music : Max Richter
With the support of : KOMM TANZ Teatro Cartiera Progetto residenza Compagnia Abbondanza/Bertoni
in collaboration with Comune di Rovereto;
Capo Trave/Kilowatt under ResiDance XL - luoghi e progetti di residenza per
creazioni coreografiche (Azione della Rete Anticorpi XL - Network Giovane Danza
d'autore coordinated by L'arboreto - Teatro Dimora di Mondaino).
Dietrich Steinmetz
About the CREATION
The Context
The fear of holes, or rather, of all those small geometric
figures that close together create clusters of small
cavities. A game of images based on juxtapositions that
are repeated three-dimensionally and that causes a
sense of disgust and repellence; the alarm is triggered
thanks to an intrinsic code, developed over the
centuries by our ancestors, which safeguards the fear
from the danger of being infected by parasitic forms or
being injured by poisonous animals such as snakes.
Anxiety, anguish, fear, hundreds of names for a single
existential dimension: the fear of losing control over the
world, over our body, over the other.
The Concept
The means by which a trypophobic skeleton is formed is geometry,
which, however, only thanks to the imaginative contribution of the
human mind, becomes an active gateway for fear; reflecting man's
insecurities and paranoia. Bottomless, where all awareness falls
steeply. Facing a fear is not an easy game. The risks are indeed
real, but the outcome far worth it. It seems that playing the game
rather implies accepting not to play at all. With T.R.I.P.O.F.O.B.I.A.
we choose to accept the challenge, transforming ourselves into the
parasites that creep into its galleries.
Two bodies that channel themselves into the patterns to which this
phobia refers, untangling their selves among the dark tunnels
devoid of air and seasoned with elements "foreign" to us. The clarity
is lost and the eyes close.
Pablo Girolami born on the 22.04.1994 in Neuchâtel (CH), is Italian and Spanish. He studies at the Dance Academy Zürich. In 2014, he joins the Hessisches Staatsballett and in 2018 he dances with Spellbound Contemporary Ballet. In 2018, he creates “I see you over there” for the Hessisches Staatsballett and ‘’Mose3’’ in collaboration with DeDa Production and Café Klatsch. Currently, he is working as a freelance choreographer and artistic director of his company : IVONA. Since 2019, he creates various pieces for company and schools such as EgriBianco Danza, TheLabCollective, TanzWerk101 Zürich. In 2019, he creates ‘’Manbuhsa’’ with which he won the Premio Twain_DirezioniAltre2019 and the audience award in the CortoinDanza 2019 as well as the 33. Madrid choreography competition. ‘’Manbuhsa’’ is also selected for the Anticorpi XL Platform and the Spanish network Redacielabierto.
Pablo Girolami