Dina Ziv
Choreographer, teacher and rehearsal director. Her works were presented in Intimadance Festival, Composer – Choreographer Project, and HaTeiva theatre in Jaffa.
Former dancer and rehearsal director with the "Inbal Pinto and Avshalom Pollak Dance Company".
Former rehearsal director at the "Maslool Professional Dance Program – Bikurey Ha'Itim". Ballet and floorwork teacher in schools and companies.

Avshalom Pollak

Something went wrong. My body is all over the place. I pick myself up and fall apart into a different pile. One pile has nothing to do with the other. My shoelaces are tied in a double knot, but that doesn’t prevent my feet from wandering around, or my gaze from slipping and rolling on the floor. I think my leg is chasing me.
Choreography: Dina Ziv
Dancer and co-creator: Amit Zaretsky
Light design: Lior Levin
Music: Morton Feldman - Bass Clarinet and Percussion
Thanks: Eyal and Illy Ziv - Sagiv